North Carolina Prevention Providers Association
Prevention is the Answer to a Substance Free NC
Provide unified support to organizations on preventing, reducing, and delaying substance use in North Carolina.
The purposes of the Association is to:
- To provide networking and collaborative engagement opportunities.
- To provide and promote professional development.
- To promote high quality evidenced based prevention policies, programs, and practices.
- To consistently and clearly facilitate communication between members and stakeholders.
- To advocate on behalf of the field to decision makers.
Our values are to build a prevention system that:
- Advocates with key stakeholders about the issues that affect the spectrum of prevention
- Supports diversity of knowledge, networks and connections
- Supports access to quality training and updates on research
- Operates in a transparent manner
- Supports each other with a strong, united voice
- Supports the creation of evolving responses to emerging issues
- Sustains the work of the Association without regard to funding sources